Daniel Kötter

First approach


First approach (1)

experimental film, 9'23"
Distancing and approaching. Disembarkment at Lower Manhattan Terminal. While the film is constantly jumping backwards and forwards in time, finally showing the empty ramp before and after the crowd,  the camera, not being allowed to disembark, keeps on zooming in, trying not to lose the contact to the crowd that slowly disappears. The last passenger returns. The invisible ferry behind the camera is ready to leave again.
director, camera, editing - Daniel Kötter
shot on location Staten Island Ferry, New York City, october 2007
edited and produced Akademie Schloss Solitude, Stuttgart, august 2008 


First approach (2)

experimental film, 10'30"

A reference to three experimental films by New York film makers from the 1960s. Distancing and approaching. Staten island ferry leaving Manhattan, the iconographic Manhattan Skyline view, like it was used by Chantal Akerman in News from home, but re-shot in october 2007. The film is constantly jumping backwards and forwards in time and space, like Ernie Gehr's Serene velocity, but clouds and waves replace the geometry of the hallway.  At some point, the camera starts zooming in, like the camera in Michael Snow's Wavelength, but the image of the building and the waves diasppear in the end. First approach or last good bye?
director, camera, editing - Daniel Kötter
shot on location Staten Island Ferry, New York City, october 2007
edited and produced Akademie Schloss Solitude, Stuttgart, august 2008 
See video